Francis Gimara is a well-respected attorney with cross-cutting experience in areas of Regional Integration Law (acting as pioneer of the field in East Africa), Corporate Governance Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution (Mediation and Arbitration), Banking and Finance Law, International Trade Law, Insolvency Practice, and Procurement and Disposal of Assets Law.
He served as President of the Uganda Law Society (2016-17) and was awarded the distinguished honour of Senior Counsel by the Law Society and then Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Bart Katureebe in recognition of his contribution to the development of the legal profession. He is also the Current Chairperson of the PPDA Appeals Tribunal of the Republic of Uganda.
Francis Gimara was ranked and recognised by Chambers Global 2022 as “a well-established reputation in the country for his arbitration counsel work, as well as his advice on business integration”
The ALP Conflict Resolution Hub Mediation Service provides the most advanced global rules
intended to assist parties and mediators to take maximum advantage of the flexible
procedures available in mediation for the resolution of disputes quickly and economically.
The Mediation Service guides parties that opt for Dispute Management Clauses in their
project contracts wherein the parties to the contract can jointly appoint a mediator to work
together, in a more collaborative and mutually beneficial environment and oversee that their
contracts proceed smoothly.
The ALP Conflict Resolution Hub Arbitration Service is based on the most efficient
Arbitration Rules which help the parties and arbitrator to use the best available global
practice for the resolution of domestic and international disputes quickly and economically by way of administered arbitration on global standards.
Additionally, the Arbitration Service provides for the appointment of emergency arbitrators,
which allows the parties in need of emergency interim reliefs to make such applications even
before the constitution of the regular arbitral tribunal.
The ALP Conflict Resolution Hub Conciliation Service provides an impartial, fast and
effective conciliation operating to a uniformly high standard in both the public and private
Participation in the Conciliation Service processes is voluntary, and so are the outcomes.Solutions are reached only by consensus whether by negotiation and agreements facilitated between the parties themselves or by the parties agreeing to settlement terms proposed by the Hub Conciliation Officer who treats as confidential all information received during the course of conciliation and the service is informal and non-legalistic in practice.
The ALP Conflict Resolution Hub Ombudsman Service is a confidential, impartial and
informal service that facilitates the resolution of disputes. A Hub Ombudsman helps parties
analyze problems and assists in identifying options and can, only if requested, become
involved in trying to resolve issues.
What’s more, the Hub Ombudsman Service alert managements to systemic trends and
issues and makes recommendations for necessary changes in their fields.