Our Areas of Practice

It is essential to believe that the law can improve the lives of its subjects. At that point, when you’re in a tough situation, we’re there.

We acknowledge that, by coming to ALP East Africa, our clients are entrusting us with their challenges, therefore, we ensure that value creation and client satisfaction remain non-negotiable for our team and stakeholders.

Infrastructure Law

ALP carries a reputation of long standing relationships with corporations in the private and public sectors. We offer advisory, support and oversight to help grow, strengthen and defend your infrastructure transactions.

Corporate and Commercial

Our Corporate and Commercial model is to work as part of your team, helping solve your toughest and most complex legal issues whatever they are, helping businesses make confident decisions.

Dispute Resolution

We advise on the best legal practice where there is a question of the legal path one must follow.

Law Advisory and Consulting

We invest time in understanding our clients’ strategic objectives, offering relevant and practical advice.

Integration and Regulatory Affairs

Providing innovative legal solutions and thinking ahead for your business, fostering your success on the regional frontier.

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Mediation Services

The ALP Conflict Resolution Hub Mediation Service provides the most advanced global rules intended to assist parties and mediators to take maximum advantage of the flexible procedures available in mediation for the resolution of disputes quickly and economically.
The Mediation Service guides parties that opt for Dispute Management Clauses in their project contracts wherein the parties to the contract can jointly appoint a mediator to work together, in a more collaborative and mutually beneficial environment and oversee that their contracts proceed smoothly.

Arbitration Services

The ALP Conflict Resolution Hub Arbitration Service is based on the most efficient Arbitration Rules which help the parties and arbitrator to use the best available global practice for the resolution of domestic and international disputes quickly and economically by way of administered arbitration on global standards.
Additionally, the Arbitration Service provides for the appointment of emergency arbitrators, which allows the parties in need of emergency interim reliefs to make such applications even before the constitution of the regular arbitral tribunal.

Conciliation Services

The ALP Conflict Resolution Hub Conciliation Service provides an impartial, fast and effective conciliation operating to a uniformly high standard in both the public and private sector.
Participation in the Conciliation Service processes is voluntary, and so are the outcomes.Solutions are reached only by consensus whether by negotiation and agreements facilitated between the parties themselves or by the parties agreeing to settlement terms proposed by the Hub Conciliation Officer who treats as confidential all information received during the course of conciliation and the service is informal and non-legalistic in practice.

Ombudsman Services

The ALP Conflict Resolution Hub Ombudsman Service is a confidential, impartial and informal service that facilitates the resolution of disputes. A Hub Ombudsman helps parties analyze problems and assists in identifying options and can, only if requested, become involved in trying to resolve issues.
What’s more, the Hub Ombudsman Service alert managements to systemic trends and issues and makes recommendations for necessary changes in their fields.